本コミュニティは2023年12月27日 11:00をもって閉鎖いたしました。




【ご利用のPC環境】:Windows10 1709
【機種名】:MSI GE72 6QC 289XCN
【グラフィックボード】:GeForce GTX 960M
【原画(イラスト)を制作したソフトウェア】:Photoshop , CLIP STUDIO
An error is displayed at startup after installing the software,This is the log displayed when launched with bat


  • 編集済: January 2020

    I don't see the model when I turn on this option in the viewer
  • 編集済: February 2020

    Please save a backup and then delete this file.
    May be resolved.
    If it doesn't work, please contact me again.

    Is the Viewer problem completely different from the Editor problem?
    Please send the file by DM.
    All files are needed to investigate the problem.
    -cmo3 file
    -can3 file
    -moc3 file

    Procedure for sending DM
    1. Click [enoko (staff)].
    2. The profile screen opens.
    3. Click [Message] at the top right of the screen.
    4. [Start New Conversation] opens.
    5. Click [Attach file] and select the file.
    6. Click [Start conversation] and send.
  • I am sure that I can use the same installation package to enter after using a desktop computer. In addition, the problem on the viewer may be related to my dual graphics card. Generally, as long as this physical function is turned off, it can be displayed normally.
  • There is no [.property] file in the directory, I tried to restart the application after deleting the entire directory, but it still failed
  • You are customizing the window.
    Please set to default.
    The problem may be solved.

    For Viewer problems, nothing can be checked without sending the file.

    Best regards.