本コミュニティは2023年12月27日 11:00をもって閉鎖いたしました。

本コミュニティは2023年12月27日 11:00をもって閉鎖いたしました。

NullPointerException when import and reimport model
So imported a model into the Assets folder of Unity and got a NullPointerException when a new object automatically generated
When I use the script init models nothing happened and the model load just fine

This is the exception:
When I use the script init models nothing happened and the model load just fine

This is the exception:
As far as I can tell from checking the error, it seems to be failing to read the texture file.
Since the path of the file read by Cubism SDK is obtained from the reference described in model3.json, if the file does not exist at the reference, it is unable to properly import the model.
Please check if the texture file exists at the reference described in model3.json.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
the model loads up just fine, but if I use this one, I can't work with motions
Thank you for checking the texture's folder hierarchy.
I'd like to recreate your setup, so please let me know what version of Unity and Cubism SDK you are using.
Also, if possible, could you provide some model data for testing?
If you can, please send a message to my account, with the model data attached.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Thank you for providing the model data.
.motion3.json was exported using an older version of the editor that had a problem with exporting.
Please export motion3.json once again using the latest editor.
With the new version 2019.2.6f1, I have somewhat successfully imported the models, but a new problem arises with the textures
So if it's not too much trouble, I hope you can help me with this again
There is also a NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error which I attach in the txt file
Thank you in advance
Probably the NullReferenceException is due to the specification of StreamingAssets.
The provided data had been placed in the StreamingAssets folder, but in Unity, special processing is done to the folder with the name StreamingAssets.
Assets under the StreamingAssets folder are not managed by Unity, so the texture does not get set, and a special method is required to load the assets.
For this reason, Cubism SDK for Unity does not expect to import models under StreamingAssets.
The breakdown of the drawing order of the displayed model can be corrected by organizing the drawing order by changing the Sorting setting of CubismRenderController.
Please refer to the following page for the setting of Sorting.